Web 2.0 Tools: A Reflection

 At the start of this course, I was completely overwhelmed. Web 2.0? What does that even mean? There were so many different tools to explore, and even though I was familiar with a lot of them, I began to look at them in a new light.

One of my favorite tools I have become more familiar with is Padlet. I shared this in a previous post, but it really is so versatile. Slack is also growing on me. Someone pointed out it reminds them of Discord, and I agree. I just don't know if I can look at Discord through any sort of professional lens, as I just automatically associate it with gaming 🎮. But Slack feels a little less intense and user-friendly. 

Diving into Web 2.0 tools has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. It’s easy to stick to what's familiar, but exploring new tools has opened my mind to new ways of doing things. I've given my digital toolkit a major upgrade, and I feel excited to incorporate these tools into my future educational and career journeys. 


  1. I've used Slack in a couple of different workplaces & have appreciated for the reasons you mention--it's quite intuitive & actually has a way of making the workplace feel a little bit less formal. My current organization uses Teams, which is convenient for its integration with the full Microsoft suite but also sometimes feels a bit clunky compared to Slack. Sometimes I just feel like I'm needing to click too many times to complete a simple task. In any case, I'm hoping that these Web 2.0-inspired tools continue improve over time and, in doing so, help us stay more meaningfully & conveniently connected to our coworkers.

  2. I completely agree with you about Padlet. It's an incredible tool! I had never even heard of it before taking this class, and now it's one of my core go-to resources.


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