Web Thoughts

I'd like to share a clip from one of my favorite movies:

While reading about the background of the internet and the World Wide Web, my mind kept going to this silly scene from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 

The computer in the scene does not necessarily demonstrate Web 2.0, but it feels like an early form of Web 3.0 (and maybe even a bit of Web 4.0), where the machines interact with people who use them. 

The web came about as a result of the desire for collaboration and connection. As I reflect on how I use the internet, it's apparent that it has reached its goal. I turn to social media for updates on friends and family, look to community forums for conversations about my interests, and gain knowledge and information from online courses and journal articles.

Typically, I participate on the internet in a Web 1.0 manner. I consume what others put out. I rarely post on my social media or comment on others. I'm looking forward to stepping out of my comfort zone and entering the world of Web 2.0, starting with this blog community.

What came to mind while you were discovering the basics of the web this week?


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