Collecting to Curating

Just like the example Dennen uses in her forthcoming book, I am a chronic bookmarker. Whenever I scroll through Instagram or Pinterest, I find myself constantly pinning or saving anything of interest before putting any real thought into it.
"That could be interesting, but I'm not really in the space to look at it right now. Let me save this for later."
What happens "later?"
Well, on the rare occasions I actually take a look back at my unorganized mess of random "ooh, interesting" videos, blogs, and photos, I get easily overwhelmed and they stay bookmarked 'til the end of time, never to be looked at again.

I want to be more aware of the networked knowledge activities I participate in. 

The other night, I challenged myself to curate a Pinterest board on my personal account from the mess of pins I had saved. With both my husband and I being in grad school, I like to have low-effort, low-mess dinners. I shuffled and sorted while lying in bed and curated a board that fit my needs. It's not overwhelming and I know exactly what to expect when I open it. I've utilized two recipes already. It seems silly and obvious, but I didn't know I wasn't taking full advantage of this tool - it feels like an accomplishment. 


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