Coping (Flickr Gallery)

How are you? Right in this moment? Do you need to take a break or step away from the chaos of the day?

It's okay if you do - in fact, I'm sure you'll feel much better if you do.

Utilizing coping strategies and experimenting with what works best for you can help manage stress and regulate your emotions. Even (or should I say especially?) as graduate students, we need to work on avoiding burnout by practicing self-care and utilizing our coping skills.

So, what do you do when you need a break? I think the first step is to acknowledge that you need one. This used to be the hardest step for me. Next, what will actually help? I know taking deep breaths or counting back from ten doesn't always do it for me. Personally, I like to take a walk outside. Movement and being present by exploring my senses help ground me and restore my focus. What works for me may not work for you. 

Take a look at this gallery I created on Flickr to get a feel for some options. Pick and choose, experiment, and regulate yourself.

Coping Skills

While this blog post is targeted to my peers, I would utilize this gallery in schools to help create a visual for students to pick and choose a coping strategy that makes the most sense for them. Sometimes, we may forget that kids can get stressed, too! Learning this skill early on can set children up for success in the long run.


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