
 I've been quiet on here. Honestly, I've been quiet everywhere. 

The last few weeks have been busy - birthdays, holidays, weddings, events, toddler transitions, and restless nights. I'm exhausted, and surely many of you can say the same. With being overspent in my personal life, school has taken a back seat this semester, and I can't seem to zone back in. 

I'm uninspired and unmotivated.

This week, I hope to change that. 

Pinterest has always been my favorite place to start when I'm feeling unmotivated. Aesthetically pleasing pictures and inspirational quotes? Sign me up.

Here's a board I created for when I need a mental boost. Feel free to browse if you need one too :)

P.S. Embedding this board to this blog took me like... 45 minutes.


  1. Oh, I feel you on everything here. I spent two days trying to get something to work in MSWord for another class that should have been two clicks. It's so frustrating! Nice job on the board. I hope you find that something to bring your sparkle back and finish the semester strong!

    1. That's the worst when something "simple" turns... not simple. And thank you! I'm honestly feeling much better - apparently, I should have done this week ago, haha.

  2. Kaley, the embedded Pinterest board is SO COOL! (45 minutes = worth it!)

  3. Awww Kaley! Thank you so much for sharing this board because I definitely needed it. I appreciate that you took the time to embed this and I am glad I visited your board. This made my day and gave me a nice boost. I hope you find some more inspiration and motivation to finish strong.


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